Friday, April 17, 2015

HopeKids and Icing Smiles

I was pleased to have the opportunity to provide 4 dozen cupcakes for a HopeKids mom and daughter spa day this last Saturday, through IcingSmiles a group I am proud to be a member of. 

HopeKids believes that by bringing joy to these inspiring children and their families through an ongoing calendar of events we can help cultivate hope, acceptance and most importantly the will to live. All of these events are fun and exciting, and promote a deepening of relationships and friendships. In some cases, they provide a return to normalcy to a family facing a fragile and uncertain future. For others, they provide a much needed relief during a stressful and often scary time.  For all, they are surrounded by families who understand the journey they are on.
Their goal is to create a constant state of anticipation, of looking forward to the future with excitement and hope. Simply put, we want to give the child another reason to fight, another reason to want to live while the medicine and treatments are given the time needed to heal what is making them sick. What a wonderful organization! They have directly helped my brother and sister in-laws family as they have and are moving through the diagnosis of my niece, Charlee with Batten Disease.
Icing Smiles is a nonprofit organization that provides custom celebration cakes and other treats to families impacted by the critical illness of a child.  We understand that the simple things, like a birthday cake, are luxuries to a family battling illness.  Our goal is to create a custom cake for the ill child, or their sibling, that provides a temporary escape from worry and creates a positive memory during a difficult time.
Memories have magical powers.  Long after the cake is gone, the memories linger - memories of the kindness of a stranger, of the art of the design, of the sweet smells of a special treat, of the smiles and laughs, of a normal childhood experience so often stolen from these children.  These memories are why we say, "It is so much more than a cake."
It's much more rewarding to bake for a good cause than for yourself (and much less calories as well :)

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